Turkish State Meteorological Service hosted Informal Conference of South European National Meteorological and Hydrological Directors on 21st to 22nd 2010 in Istanbul. (NMHS). At the conference not only the NMHSs directors were present but also leading European Institutions like EUMETSAT and ECMWF and of course World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The NMHSs countries attended the meeting were of Turkey, Montenegro, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Macedonia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria making the total participating countries ten.
The objectives of the NMHSs conference are to foster closer cooperation between the countries in the region. Cooperation areas are determined in accordance with countries common needs in meteorology, climatology, and hydrology. While finding common solutions to the problems it is imperative to get European and international organizations help.
Even though requirements change from one country to another, the NMHSs in the region need investments on basic meteorological infrastructures. Some of them can be specified as meteorological stations, telecommunication, radar, meteorological satellite receptions stations, IT equipments, hydrological equipments. International funding mechanism is envisaged to upgrade infrastructure requirements.
Need for capacity building is also very crucial for the regions ICEED countries. European institutions and WMO training opportunities shall be considered for specific training requirements. ECMWF forecast products including warning products and EUMETSAT satellite images and SAF products shall be used widely in the region. WMO may help for the adaptation of regions countries to climate change.
Possible urgent cooperation areas are sough are of Climate and Flood Forecasting and Warning. Meteorological RADAR, satellite image products, Regional Models are sought to be used in climate and flood warning and forecasting. Also, countries are keen to work in quality management and instrumentation calibration.
8 February 2025, Saturday, 18:09 Local | 8 February 2025, Saturday, 15:09 UTC
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